Seaside summer holiday

Our dearest angel girl is at Umhlangha rocks with my parents for a week long vacation at Cabana Beach. She’ll also be seeing Damien’s mum, Oumie as well as her aunts, Ilana and Natasha. She’s having a royal time, while Damien and I go to movies, supper, sleep late etc. Erin, Oupa and granny have been swimming, walking on promenade, went to Ushaka today, loads of fun!

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Recently I “subscribed” to an amazing educational product – Brain boosters. What it entails is a box filled with educational products (once a month) and also a toy for your child. One Saturday morning parents also meet to discuss how the month went and how the child did with the box. The box is age appropriate and each month has a different theme. This month we focus on fruit, how to eat healthily and try to encourage independence. The cool thing is that you get to keep the box – no giving back and it can be used for your second child, cousin, be given to a charity etc.

Erin loves it (as can be seen below) and I love that it focuses on teaching in a FUN way. It’s also VERY affordable at R250 per month. If you would like to get your child a box, contact Meryl Bailey on 072 561 3113

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Madiba quotes

I’ve been having a REALLY hard time with people accusing me of very harsh and unkind things lately. As my charity grows into something bigger than I EVER could have imagined I find myself having to deal with many ugly things lately (you’d think charity is all flowery and lovely, well it’s NOT).

So this morning I chose to google some Madiba quotes and man has it cheered me up. Nelson Mandela was a GENIUS, a revolutionary of his time and I admire all his quotes and what he stood for.  May I strive daily to be like him!



I run my own business – Chantal from Smart choice accounting

I met Chantal through twitter a while back and she has become a real TGF warrior, she collects donations, makes blankets etc. She also runs TWO of her own businesses and is a mum of THREE!! Read here what she has to say about running her own business.

Name : Chantal le Roux

Business name and website : Smart-choice accounting CC www.smartchoice.co.za Toppie’s Brewing Co www.tbco.co.za

Brief description of business : Accounting and tax consultancy and Home brew shop – selling craft beer making supplies and equipment

Since when have you run your own business : Smart-choice since March 2009 and Toppie’s since 2014

Why is it better than working for a boss : It is, and it isn’t. It’s more stressful financially as you have to make sure everyone pays you, but the quality time spent with family and quality of life makes up for it

Thing you enjoy most each day : No traffic

Thing you enjoy least each day : Not much – I like my job

Advice for people starting their own business :

I once read somewhere

“Entrepreneurship: Living a few years of your life the way others won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life the way others can’t.” This is true, it’s hard at first, but the rewards are endless.

Top three things you have learnt from having your own business :

  1. You are worth a lot more than you think – charge your time accordingly
  2. Don’t let people take you for a ride, or believe empty promises, no pay – no work
  3. Balance is key – when it’s your own business it’s very hard to stop working. Stop working you deserve a weekend too.

I ran with Bruce Fordyce

Well, not quite. But I did attend the Woodlands parkrun this weekend and Bruce also attended, so I ran the same route as he did 🙂 but only about 10 minutes slower on a 5km than him.

I recently joined the parkrun craze and what fun it has been.

I’ve done two Bryanston runs and now the Woodlands one. The Bryanston run is all trail running (alongside the spruit), with slight inclines and one LONG uphill (that is very manageable). The Woodlands run is in the Woodlands office park, with beautiful scenery, buck, ponds etc. But DAMN, it has so many uphills and they never (or it feels like they never) end! I thoroughly enjoyed the run, but did my worst time ever (33:40), but would REALLY recommend it for its beauty and if you are doing hill training.

20140913_075028_resized The finish line 🙂

I would recommend anyone who can walk to join the parkrun phenomenon as it is so well organized, you get 500 discovery points every time and it’s FREE.

If you’ve done any other parkruns, please comment below, as I’d like to try out a few.

Happy running!





I sometimes feel like an alien

The deal with my history and background is that I have always (since I can remember) wanted to become a chartered accountant. I have always wanted to be successful and I have always strived to do my best in life. Since entering the corporate world I have wanted to be the top executive, powerhouse female with the corner office overlooking Sandton.

But in June 2012 I witnessed the most amazing miracle – the birth of my child – and everything changed. I gradually started realizing that I wasn’t put on this earth to be served, but to serve.

God spoke to me in January 2013 and I had this deep nudging of the Spirit to start The Grace Factory. Days and weeks have gone by and slowly I have stopped wanting those things I once desired and only want to help other people (it’s what I think of A LOT).

I’ve never really been praised for the work TGF does (except by my family, who have always made charity a fundamental part of our upbringing) but that never really mattered to me, as I’m so driven just by helping others, that mere thank yous are more than enough praise I ever deserve. I’m merely a vessel for God’s hand, He’s the one running TGF, I’m just obeying.

Then last week something extraordinary happened. I was filmed by a REAL production company for TEN hours to do a video about my charity. I was overwhelmed with a generous donation from FNB and the most heartfelt letter from FNB that I’ve read in a long time. All to thank me for the change I’ve made. It really made me feel that all this effort I have put in to try and change lives has been noticed. And it hasn’t been noticed by the corner bakery, it’s been noticed by one of SA’s leading banking institutions – me small town Sasolburg girl……

It’s really what I needed to keep me motivated and keep on trying to make a difference, no matter how small I think the difference is. I have been so disappointed by “friends” lately. I have been stabbed in the back – numerous times in the last few months. I hardly speak to my friends who started articles with me as they probably think I’m crazy (not chasing after the cash) and running my own CHARTITY? When “friends” speak about which car they are set to buy next, I just can’t even engage in the conversation, as it’s just not even on my radar. And then I work out how much they earn and I send them emails to ask to donate cash to TGF – ONE person replies – ONE? I get so annoyed with people who don’t “believe in charity” that I just feel like writing them off. Robin Sharma’s blog read “delete the energy vampires from your life”.

I have a handful of friends that I can relate to, as they get why I chose to serve others – for no ulterior motive or gain. But then I realize I’m the minority. I’m the one who changed, not them, they’ve stayed the same. And then yesterday my dear, wise Yoga (way of life, not form of exercise) friend and I were speaking and I asked her, won’t our children be the outcasts if we teach them that serving is the only way? Her exact words to me were “where do you think the Ghandi’s, Madiba’s and Mother Teresa’s of the world come from?” And then I decided just there and then, I will stop feeling sorry for myself about being judged by all my former friends. I will (try my VERY best) to stop judging other people about the fact that they don’t give. And I will continue MY purpose, to teach Erin that there is ONLY ONE goal on this earth – and that is to SERVE! She is after all my source and inspiration for TGF.

My angel girl, may you serve with an open heart. May you never judge others – as we are all walking our own path and writing our own set of exams. May you ALWAYS be as kind as you are and as sharing as you are (you always share your “weeties” and chips with your friends). May you one day be a revolutionary, caring, giving game changer of our era.


“The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.”

William Arthur Ward

PS – I am not ungrateful for becoming a professional and I have learnt so much from the CA (SA) profession, I just truly believe in my heart I am no better than anybody else out there.





Saturday, Natalie from Creationography was at The Grace Factory’s 2nd annual social and she did mini photo shoots for families who wanted them. Here are the pics she took of my amazing family! Thank you Natalie, you captured the moment so well!

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My absolute favourite one! This is what these three ALWAYS look like when they are together! May I look as great as my mum at 54!!!


Our girl’s first day at school!

Today is Erin’s first day at school. Although it’s not her “official” first day (as she used to go to another school from 6 months to 1 year) it still feels like our tiny little angel baby is all big now.

Damien and I were the first at school this morning (as we both need to get to work before 8am) and what a wonderful morning it was. Erin walked in by herself with her “Erin” bag on her back. Put her bag in her locker that had a Minnie (her FAVE) picture on her name. Sat down at the tables and started with a puzzle. I have been telling her about “Teacher Charlie” for the last month and then she kept asking Teacher Charlie – “where is Teacher Charlie”. She then kissed and hugged as good bye and off we went, no tears, no hysteria, just happiness.  We received messages from all grand parents this morning wishing Erin luck, we are all just so excited! The only one that’s sad is Thando, she said the house will be too quiet this morning 😦

Erin, my message to you is the following: May you never loose your fearfulness, may you continue to share and be kind to others, may you be a joy to your teachers, as you are to us and may you feel God’s grace every single day over your life. My angel girl, enjoy this new chapter of your life. Dad and I couldn’t be prouder!

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